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How Can I Check Database Connection To Mysql In Django

how can I do it? I thought, I can read something from database, but it looks too much, is there something like?: settings.DATABASES['default'].check_connection()

Solution 1:

All you need to do is start a application and if its not connected it will fail. Other way you can try is on shell try following -

from django.db import connections
from django.db.utils import OperationalError
db_conn = connections['default']
    c = db_conn.cursor()
except OperationalError:
    connected = False
    connected = True

Solution 2:

Run the shell

python shell

Execute this script

import django

If it print None means everything is okay, otherwise it will throw an error if something wrong happens on your db connection

Solution 3:

It's an old question but it needs an updated answer

python check --database default

If you're not using default or if you want to test other databases listed in your settings just name it.

It is available since version 3.1 +

Check the documentation

Solution 4:

I use the following Django management command called wait_for_db:

import time

from django.db import connection
from django.db.utils import OperationalError
from import BaseCommand

class Command(BaseCommand):
    """Django command that waits for database to be available"""

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        """Handle the command"""
        self.stdout.write('Waiting for database...')
        db_conn = None
        while not db_conn:
                db_conn = True
            except OperationalError:
                self.stdout.write('Database unavailable, waiting 1 second...')

        self.stdout.write('Database available!'))

Solution 5:

Assuming you needed this because of docker, BUT is not limitted to docker, remember this is at the end of the day Bash, and thus works everywhere *NIX.

You will first need to be using django-environ, since it will make this a whole lot easier.

The DATABASE_URL environment variable will be used inside your Django app, and here. Your settings would look like this:

import environ

env = environ.Env()


    'default': env.db('DATABASE_URL'),
    'other': env.db('DATABASE_OTHER_URL')  # for illustration purposes


Your environment variables should look something like this: (more info here)

# This works with ALL the databases django supports ie (mysql/mssql/sqlite/...)

Inside your do something like this:

function database_ready() {
  # You need to pass a single argument called "evironment_dsn"
  python << EOF
import sys
import environ
from django.db.utils import ConnectionHandler, OperationalError

env = environ.Env()
   ConnectionHandler(databases={'default': env.db('$1')})['default'].ensure_connection()
except (OperationalError, DatabaseError):

Then, lets say you want to wait for your main db [the postgres in this case], you add this inside the same, under the database_ready function.

until database_ready DATABASE_URL; do
  >&2 echo "Main DB is unavailable - sleeping"
  sleep 1

This will only continue, IF postgres is up and running. What about oracle? Same thing, under the code above, we add:

until database_ready DATABASE_OTHER_URL; do
  >&2 echo "Secondary DB is unavailable - sleeping"
  sleep 1

Doing it this way will give you a couple of advantages:

  1. you don't need to worry about other dependencies such as binaries and the likes.

  2. you can switch databases and not have to worry about this breaking. (code is 100% database agnostic)

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