How To Open Any Program In Python?
Well I searched a lot and found different ways to open program in python, For example:- import os os.startfile(path) # I have to give a whole path that is not possible to give a f
Solution 1:
There's always:
from subprocess import call
This should allow you to use a dict or list or set to hold your program names and call them at will. This is covered also in this answer by David Cournapeau and chobok.
Solution 2:
You can try with os.walk :
import os
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
#print (dirs)
for j in dirs:
for i in files:
if i.endswith('.exe'):
for i in exe_list :
print('index : {} file :{}'.format(exe_list.index(i),i.split('/')[-1]))
ip=int(input('Enter index of file :'))
print('executing {}...'.format(exe_list[ip]))
prepends the path of file to the exe file starting from root.exe_list.index(i),i.split('/')[-1]
fetches just thefilename.exe
- exe_list stores the whole path of an
file at each index
Solution 3:
Can be done with winapps
First install winapps by typing:
pip install winapps
After that use the library:
# This will give you list of installed applications along with some information
import winapps
for app in winapps.list_installed():
If you want to search for an app you can simple do:
application = 'chrome'
for app in winapps.search_installed(application):
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