Retrieve API Data Into Dataframe Using Multi Threading Module
I'm using a third-party API to retrieve 10 minute data from a large number of days for different tags. The current data pull can take up to several minutes depending of course of t
Solution 1:
You can try the below, It will easily allow you to make a lot of requests in parallel provided the server can handle it as well;
# it's just a wrapper around concurrent.futures ThreadPoolExecutor with a nice tqdm progress bar!
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import thread_map, process_map # for multi-threading, multi-processing respectively)
def chunk_list(lst, size):
From SO only;
Yield successive n-sized chunks from list.
for i in range(0, len(lst), size):
yield lst[i:i + size]
for idx, my_chunk in enumerate(chunk_list(huge_list, size=2**12)):
for response in thread_map(<which_func_to_call>, my_chunk, max_workers=your_cpu_cores+6)):
# which_func_to_call -> wrap the returned response json obj in this, etc
# do something with the response now..
# make sure to cache the chunk results as well
Edit 1 :
from functools import partial
startdate = "*-150d"
enddate = '*'
my_new_func = partial(which_func_to_call, startdate=startdate, enddate=enddate)
And now we can use this function instead;
NB -> my_new_func
now accepts a single argument..
Edit 2 :
For caching, I would recommend use the csv
module and write the responses you want to a csv file rather than using pandas etc; OR you can dump the JSON response etc as per your need; Sample code for a JSON/dict like response will look like,
import csv
import os
with open(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, "a+", newline="") as csvfile:
# fieldnames = [your_headers_list]
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
# Make sure you write the header only once as we are opening the file in append mode (writer.writeheader())
for idx, my_chunk in enumerate(chunk_list(<huge_list>, size=CHUNK_SIZE)):
for response in thread_map(
<my_partial_wrapped_func>, my_chunk, max_workers=min(32, os.cpu_count() + 6)
# .......
# .......
Solution 2:
As I understand correctly your need is to understand if getAggregatesPandas executed properly.
you can do it like below.
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
args = ((i,startdate, enddate) for i in tags)
results = p: gener.getAggregatesPandas(*p), args)
for result in results:
#another approach is below
#for f in concurrent.futures.as_completed(results):
# final_df.append(result,ignore_index=False)
REF Video:-video
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