Python Parse Output Of Mixed Format Text File To Key Value Pair Dictionaries
I am trying to parse the output of a command from the EMC OneFS CLI. We are trying to collect inventory data, and since we're on an older version of the API we can't use the REST S
Solution 1:
I think the best way would be to use re.match()
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
import re
results = {}
with open('in.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in [ l.rstrip() for l in f.readlines() ]:
match = re.match('^(?P<hostname>[^:]+): +(?P<key>[^:=]+?)(?: *[:=] *(?P<value>.+?) *)?$', line)
if match is None:
# skip failed matches
hostname, key, value = match.groups()
if key == 'Comps':
value = [ x.strip() for x in re.sub(' +',' ',value).split(' ') ]
value = float(value)
if hostname not in results:
results[hostname] = {}
if key in results[hostname]:
old_value = results[hostname][key]
if isinstance(old_value, list):
results[hostname][key] = [ old_value, value ]
results[hostname][key] = value
from pprint import pprint
I've also taken some liberties:
- Proposed an alternative result format
- Converted the
data into an array - Converted anything that will be converted as a
, into a number
Output is like this:
{'visi-91': {'CPU': 'GenuineIntel (2.33GHz, stepping 0x0001067a)',
'CPU Operation (raw 0x882F0000)': 'Normal',
'CPU Speed Limit': '100.00%',
'ChasCnt': '1 (Single-Chassis System)',
'Chassis': 'ISI36 (Isilon (CIDesigns) 36-Bay Chassis)',
'Chassis Fan1 (ISI F1)': 7469.0,
'Chassis Fan2 (ISI F2)': 7552.0,
'Chassis Fan3 (ISI F3)': 7387.0,
'Class': 'storage',
'Comps': ['Chassis',
'Config': '912-111-231',
'DskCtl': 'LSI3081E-HBA (LSI SAS3081E SAS Controller -- HBA) (8 ports)',
'DskExp': 'VIT7156 (Vitesse 7156 Disk Expander)',
'FlshDrv': 'None (No physical dongle supported) ((null))',
'HWGen': 'MaunaLoa (MaunaLoa Hardware)',
'IBType': 'ISI25208 (Isilon MT25208-based IB Card)',
'IMB': 'Board Version 0x20f',
'LCDver': 'NoriVFD (Noritake VFD)',
'Mobo': 'SupMicX7DBU (SuperMicro X7DBU Motherboard)',
'NVRam': 'MT25208 (Mellanox 25208 based Card) (492MB card) (size 515899392B)',
'NetIF': 'em*4,ib*2 (4x Intel, 2x IB)',
'PROC': 'Dual-proc, Quad-core',
'Power Supplies OK': None,
'Power Supply 1 Fan': 5504.0,
'Power Supply 2 Fan': 5792.0,
'Product': 'IQ 32000x-ssd',
'PwrSupl': ['PS1 (type=Emerson, fw=v.01.00.00)',
'PS2 (type=Emerson, fw=v.01.00.00)'],
'RAM': '17150812160 Bytes',
'SerNo': 'S123456789P',
'Series': 'x_series',
'Temp Chassis 2 (ISI T2)': 22.0,
'Temp Front Panel': 17.0,
'Temp System': 25.0,
'Temp Until CPU Throttle (CPU 0)': 46.0,
'Temp Until CPU Throttle (CPU 1)': 42.0},
'visi-92': {'CPU': 'GenuineIntel (2.33GHz, stepping 0x0001067a)',
'CPU Operation (raw 0x882E0000)': 'Normal',
'CPU Speed Limit': '100.00%',
'ChasCnt': '1 (Single-Chassis System)',
'Chassis': 'ISI36 (Isilon (CIDesigns) 36-Bay Chassis)',
'Chassis Fan1 (ISI F1)': 7268.0,
'Chassis Fan2 (ISI F2)': 7307.0,
'Chassis Fan3 (ISI F3)': 7190.0,
'Class': 'storage',
'Comps': ['Chassis',
'Config': '912-111-231',
'DskCtl': 'LSI3081E-HBA (LSI SAS3081E SAS Controller -- HBA) (8 ports)',
'DskExp': 'VIT7156 (Vitesse 7156 Disk Expander)',
'FlshDrv': 'None (No physical dongle supported) ((null))',
'HWGen': 'MaunaLoa (MaunaLoa Hardware)',
'IBType': 'ISI25208 (Isilon MT25208-based IB Card)',
'IMB': 'Board Version 0x20f',
'LCDver': 'NoriVFD (Noritake VFD)',
'Mobo': 'SupMicX7DBU (SuperMicro X7DBU Motherboard)',
'NVRam': 'MT25208 (Mellanox 25208 based Card) (492MB card) (size 515899392B)',
'NetIF': 'em*4,ib*2 (4x Intel, 2x IB)',
'PROC': 'Dual-proc, Quad-core',
'Power Supplies OK': None,
'Power Supply 1 Fan': 5376.0,
'Power Supply 2 Fan': 5696.0,
'Product': 'IQ 32000x-ssd',
'PwrSupl': ['PS1 (type=Emerson, fw=v.01.00.00)',
'PS2 (type=Emerson, fw=v.01.00.00)'],
'RAM': '17150812160 Bytes',
'SerNo': 'S123456785K',
'Series': 'x_series',
'Temp Chassis 2 (ISI T2)': 24.0,
'Temp Front Panel': 17.2,
'Temp System': 27.0,
'Temp Until CPU Throttle (CPU 0)': 46.0,
'Temp Until CPU Throttle (CPU 1)': 46.0},
'visi-93': {'CPU': 'GenuineIntel (2.33GHz, stepping 0x0001067a)',
'CPU Operation (raw 0x88250000)': 'Normal',
'CPU Speed Limit': '100.00%',
'ChasCnt': '1 (Single-Chassis System)',
'Chassis': 'ISI36 (Isilon (CIDesigns) 36-Bay Chassis)',
'Chassis Fan1 (ISI F1)': 7387.0,
'Chassis Fan2 (ISI F2)': 7152.0,
'Chassis Fan3 (ISI F3)': 7152.0,
'Class': 'storage',
'Comps': ['Chassis',
'Config': '912-111-231',
'DskCtl': 'LSI3081E-HBA (LSI SAS3081E SAS Controller -- HBA) (8 ports)',
'DskExp': 'VIT7156 (Vitesse 7156 Disk Expander)',
'FlshDrv': 'None (No physical dongle supported) ((null))',
'HWGen': 'MaunaLoa (MaunaLoa Hardware)',
'IBType': 'ISI25208 (Isilon MT25208-based IB Card)',
'IMB': 'Board Version 0x20f',
'LCDver': 'NoriVFD (Noritake VFD)',
'Mobo': 'SupMicX7DBU (SuperMicro X7DBU Motherboard)',
'NVRam': 'MT25208 (Mellanox 25208 based Card) (492MB card) (size 515899392B)',
'NetIF': 'em*4,ib*2 (4x Intel, 2x IB)',
'PROC': 'Dual-proc, Quad-core',
'Power Supplies OK': None,
'Power Supply 1 Fan': 8512.0,
'Power Supply 2 Fan': 8512.0,
'Product': 'IQ 32000x-ssd',
'PwrSupl': ['PS1 (type=Emerson, fw=v.03.05.00)',
'PS2 (type=Emerson, fw=v.03.05.00)'],
'RAM': '17150812160 Bytes',
'SerNo': 'S987654321P',
'Series': 'x_series',
'Temp Chassis 2 (ISI T2)': 25.0,
'Temp Front Panel': 17.4,
'Temp System': 28.0,
'Temp Until CPU Throttle (CPU 0)': 37.0,
'Temp Until CPU Throttle (CPU 1)': 38.0}}
Edit: Now handles multiple occurrences of a given 'key', by forming an array (e.g: PwrSupl
Solution 2:
You need to split each of those lines at colons. Plop the first one into the dictionary as "hostname", then process the remaining ones in pairs. Something like:
fields = line.split(':')
my_dict["hostname"] = field[0]
for pos in range(1, len(fields), 2):
my_dict[field(pos)] = field(pos+1)
That's the basic tactic; I'll leave implementation details to you. :-)
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