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Creating Tkinter Buttons To Stop/skip A 2D Loop

I am developing a tkinter GUI program which has the function of reading each single element in a 2D array. I need three buttons ('Start', 'Skip' and 'Stop') which have the followin

Solution 1:

Something like this might work for you

import tkinter as tk

x = 0
y = 0
array = [[11,12,13,14],[21,22,23,24],[31,32,33,34],[41,42,43,44]]
running = True

def start():
    global x, y, running
    x = y = 0
    running = True

def skip():
    global x, y
    x +=1
    y = 0

def stop():
    global running
    running = False

def output():
    global x, y, running
    except IndexError as e:
        if x >= len(array):
            #Run out of lists
            running = False
        elif y >= len(array[x]):
            y = 0
            x += 1
            raise e
    y += 1
    if running:
        root.after(1000, output)

root = tk.Tk()
btnStart = tk.Button(root,text="Start",command=start)
btnSkip = tk.Button(root,text="Skip",command=skip)
btnStop = tk.Button(root,text="Stop",command=stop)



I'm keeping track of the index in to the array for both dimensions using x and y. When I try to print the next item, if we've reached the end of the current array, the IndexError exception will be thrown which we then handle to increment on to the next row. When we reach 44, we are at the end of the list and running is set to false.

Solution 2:

You could use a Thread.

import threading

array = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
running == False

def do_print():
    count = 0
    while running == True:
        count += 1
def stop():
    running = False

x = threading.Thread(target=do_print)
y = threading.Thread(target=stop)

btnStart = tk.Button(root,text="Start",command=x.start)
btnStop = tk.Button(root,text="Stop",command=y.start)

This is just an exemple with a 1 dimesion array.

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