Mock A Class With Tedious __init__
I have a class that actually connects to a service and does authentication and stuff, but all of this is well tested somewhere else in my code, I just want to mock in the following
Solution 1:
I think that is a typical use case for mock.patch
. Take care that patch
decorator need the full path of the module where the main module become __main__
from mock import patch, Mock
from abmodule import A, B #Where A and B are@patch("abmodule.B")deftest_A(bmock):
# Set B costructor to return a Mock object
bmock.return_value = Mock()
a = A()
#Check if upload was called!
After that you could use use again the original B
in the other part of the code: the patched version live just in scope of the function.
Solution 2:
You need to patch the actual class with the mocked B. py.test provides the monkeypatch
fixture for this:
import unittest.mock
import mut # module under test, where A and B are defined.
def test_A(monkeypatch):
b = unitest.mock.Mock()
b.upload.return_value = 'Hi'
monkeypatch.setattr(mut, 'B', b)
a = mut.A()
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