Setting Up Crontab For My Django Application
Solution 1:
The way I interpret this is that you are normally running your script in a virutal environment, and it is failing now that you added it to a cron job. If this is incorrect, just skip to the last paragraph.
To run a cron job through a virutal environment, you need to use the virtual environment's python as the python you want. E.g to run the file:
* * * * * /path/to/venv/bin/python3 /path/to/ >> /Users/ashwin/dashboard/proj_application/data.log 2>&1
This is the way I would recommend doing it, as it doesn't seem like that shell script is entirely necessary (anything in there can easily be done at the top of the python script), but if it is you can do something similar where you call the virtual environment's python instead of the default python. like this:
/path/to/venv/bin/python3 -c 'import proj_application.cron as cron; cron.test()'
However, if this doesn't work, this may not be an issue with the cron job, and instead with the django setup of the mail client (e.g. making sure it is included in the installed apps, etc.)
Since it is a little unclear where your issue is (mail client setup, cron setup, venv configuration, etc), if you are sure it is an issue with running your scripts you usually run in a virtual environment, than these steps should help, otherwise I would make sure your mail client is configured correctly. Make sure your scripts are correct by running them in the console (not through a cron job), and then you can come back and update the post with more detailed info about where the problem you have lies.
Solution 2:
yes you are correct you may need to use virtual environment(although its optional but best practice).
To create virtual environment(expects python to be installed prior)
python -m venv venv
To activate (path may differ based on OS(mine is windows))
source venv/Scripts/activate
To install dependency in virtual environment
pip install Django
Now you all set to use virtual env's Django.
which python
should map to venv path.
Now you have two ways to run python script #1 use direct python path
absolute/path/of/venv/bin/python3 -c 'import proj_application.cron as cron; cron.test()'
#2 activate virtual environment and use the bash script as same.
#!/bin/bashcd"$(dirname "$0")";
CWD="$(pwd)"echo$CWDsource venv/Scripts/python # this will be in windows
python -c 'import proj_application.cron as cron; cron.test()'
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