Efficient Column Processing In Pyspark
I have a dataframe with a very large number of columns (>30000). I'm filling it with 1 and 0 based on the first column like this: for column in list_of_column_names: df = df.w
Solution 1:
You might approach like this,
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
exprs = [F.when(F.array_contains(F.col('list_column'), column), 1).otherwise(0).alias(column)\
for column in list_column_names]
df = df.select(['list_column']+exprs)
Solution 2:
is already distributed so a faster approach would be difficult to get other than what you already have. you can try defining a udf
function as following
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
from pyspark.sql import types as t
row = {}
for column in list_of_column_names:
if(column in listColumn):
row.update({column: 1})
row.update({column: 0})
return row
callContainsUdf = f.udf(containsUdf, t.StructType([t.StructField(x, t.StringType(), True) for x in list_of_column_names]))
df.withColumn('struct', callContainsUdf(df['list_column']))\
.select(f.col('list_column'), f.col('struct.*'))\
which should give you
|[Foo, Bak] |1 |0 |0 |
|[Bar, Baz] |0 |1 |1 |
|[Foo] |1 |0 |0 |
Note: list_of_column_names = ["Foo","Bar","Baz"]
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