How To Split The Data Among The Multiple Groups In Hdf5 File?
Solution 1:
Your code has a number of small errors when reading and converting the "footer" line. I modified the code and got it working....but not sure if it does exactly what you want. I used the same group and dataset definitions. So, the footer data is written to this data set:
That comes from the following group and dataset definitions:
particles_grp = hdf.require_group('particles/lipids/positions')
box_grp = particles_grp.create_group('box')
bound_grp = box_grp.create_group('boundary')
edge_data = bound_grp.create_dataset('box_size'....
Corrections are required in several places:
First, you need to change the definition of parse1
to match the 3 fields.
# Format for footer# FROM:fmtstring1 = '1s 1s 5s 7s 7s 7s'# TO:fmtstring1 = '10s 10s 10s'
Next, you need to modify where and how the box_size
dataset is created. You need to create it like the others: as an extensible dataset (maxshape=()
parameter) ABOVE while True:
loop. This is what I did:
edge_ds_step = edge_grp.create_dataset('step', dtype=np.uint64, shape=(0,), maxshape=(None,), compression='gzip', shuffle=True)
# Create empty 'box_size' dataset hereedge_data = bound_grp.create_dataset('box_size', dtype=np.float32, shape=(0,3), maxshape=(None,3), compression='gzip', shuffle=True)
Finally, here is the modified code to:
Parse the
string to a tuple,Map the tuple to an np.array of floats, shape=(1,3),
Resize the dataset and finally
Load the array into the dataset.
footer = parse1( f.readline().encode('utf-8') ) dat = np.array(footer).astype(float).reshape(1,3) new_size = edge_data.shape[0]+1 edge_data.resize(new_size, axis=0) edge_data[new_size-1:new_size,:] = dat
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