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Parsing Of Table From .docx File

I want to parse a table from a .docx file using Python and python-docx into some useful data structure. The .docx file contains only a single table in my case. I've uploaded it so

Solution 1:

You can use the snippet below to parse your document into a list where each row is a dictionary mapping the table header value to the column value.

from docx.api import Document

# Load the first table from your document. In your example file,# there is only one table, so I just grab the first one.
document = Document('Books.docx')
table = document.tables[0]

# Data will be a list of rows represented as dictionaries# containing each row's data.
data = []

keys = Nonefor i, row inenumerate(table.rows):
    text = (cell.text for cell in row.cells)

    # Establish the mapping based on the first row# headers; these will become the keys of our dictionaryif i == 0:
        keys = tuple(text)
        continue# Construct a dictionary for this row, mapping# keys to values for this row
    row_data = dict(zip(keys, text))

This will give you:

data = [
  {u'Pub.': u'Penguin Books',
   u'Auther': u'Edward de BONO',
   u'Sr. No.': u'1',
   u'Name of Book': u'Six Thinking Hats'

If you'd just want a tuple for each row, you should instead of creating a dictionary just set row_data to the tuple value of text, so in the loop instead of constructing the dict, do:

# Construct a tuple forthis row
row_data = tuple(text)

Now, data would hold something like this instead:

data = [
   u'Six Thinking Hats',
   u'Edward de BONO',
   u'Penguin Books'

Then you can skip constructing keys, obviously (but still skip the first row!).

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