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Sorting Lines By The Second Word On Each Line Of Text File, Then Displaying It

I have to sort a file into the highest scores that people have gained, to the lowest and display the sorted version of it in python. The file I currently have looks like this. Bob:

Solution 1:

If you have a filegrades:

lines =
lines.sort(key=lambda line: int(line.split()[1]))

for line inlines:
    print line

Solution 2:

You need to write code to read the file in a line at a time, skipping any blank lines, and to split the three interesting parts up. This can be done using a regular expression which is capable of extracting the name, mark and total from each line into a tuple.

So for each line you would get a tuple looking something like:

('Bob', '1', '10')

This tuple is then appended to a list of names. This list can then be sorted. In your example, all of the results are out of 10. But what if one was out of 20?

The following shows you one possible way you could do this:

import re

names = []

withopen('grades.txt', 'r') as f_input:
    for line in f_input:
        iflen(line) > 1:
            names.append(re.match(r'(.*?):\s*?(\d+)\s*?\/\s*?(\d+)', line).groups())

for name, mark, total insorted(names, key=lambda x: float(x[1]) / float(x[2]), reverse=True):
    print"{} - {} out of {}".format(name, mark, total)

This would display the following:

Jane - 9out of 10
Drake - 5out of 10
Dan - 5out of 10
Dan - 4out of 10
Bob - 1out of 10
Josh - 1out of 10
Bob - 0out of 10

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