Multiple Accidental Post Requests In Python
I have this program that sends a GET request using requests library and then sends a POST request to another server. import requests # inside the loop : headers = {'charset':'u
Solution 1:
What if you add a timer to the code.
import requests
from datetime import datetime, time
posting = False# inside the loop :if not posting:
posting = True
headers = {'charset':'utf-8','Content-Type':'application/json'}
url = "http://someurl/_get_v2.php"
data = jenal
start =
try :
resp =,json=data,headers=headers,timeout=(connect_timeout,read_timeout))
print"Post request sent"
posting = False
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
# If you continue here, then there will be no sleep.# If your POST fails straight away, it tries again straight away. # You should print/log here so you know which exception is being caught.# Add Timer
end = datetime.combine(, time(0))
ShouldISleep(start, end)
posting = Falsecontinue
except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout as e:
# If you continue here, then there will be no sleep.# If your POST fails straight away, it tries again straight away.# You should print/log here so you know which exception is being caught.# Add Timer
end = datetime.combine(, time(0))
ShouldISleep(start, end)
posting = Falsecontinue
Create a function
def ShouldISleep(t1, t2):
passed = (t1 - t2).seconds
if passed < 10:
time.sleep(10 - passed)
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