Why Is There A Difference Between Inspect.ismethod And Inspect.isfunction From Python 2 -> 3?
Solution 1:
Not specifically a difference with inspect
but Python 3 in general see here
The concept of “unbound methods” has been removed from the language. When referencing a method as a class attribute, you now get a plain function object.
My suggestion for cross-platform would be:
getmembers(X, predicate=lambda x: isfunction(x) or ismethod(x))
Solution 2:
Because essentialy there is no difference between a function and an unbound method. This idea of unbound methods exists in Python 2 mostly for historical reasons and was removed in Python 3.
This email by the BDFL himself goes into some details.
Answering your updated question. I think its best to use inspect.isroutine
as it matches both unbound methods and functions with an additional benefit of also matching methods/functions implemented in C.
Start with inspect.getmembers
and filter its output as you need. It also takes an optional predicate
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