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Is Sleep() Accurate Enough In Python?

I have created a python script that records the up-time of PC throughout the day, and stores the usage in a database the next day. while 1: time.sleep(59.9) # now s

Solution 1:

You can try GetTickCount64 function.


import ctypes
import datetime

    lib = ctypes.windll.kernel32
    return lib.GetTickCount64()

    d = dt.days
    _s = dt.seconds
    h, rem = divmod(_s, 3600)
    m, s = divmod(rem, 60)
    returnf'{d} day(s), {h:02}h:{m:02}m:{s:02}s'if __name__ == '__main__':
    ms = uptime_in_ms()
    dt = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=ms)
    uptime = frmt(dt)


C:\Users\User>python Desktop/
1day(s), 00h:18m:51s


  1. Minimum supported client - Windows Vista
  2. This is just an example so there is no validation if this library exists
  3. This example is using f-string formatting - Python 3.6+

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