Python/plotly: How To Customize Hover-template On With What Information To Show?
Solution 1:
For Plotly Express, you need to use the custom_data
argument when you create the figure. For example:
fig = px.scatter(
custom_data=['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3']
and then modify it using update_traces
and hovertemplate
, referencing it as customdata
. For example:
"ColX: %{x}",
"ColY: %{y}",
"Col1: %{customdata[0]}",
"Col2: %{customdata[1]}",
"Col3: %{customdata[2]}",
This took a lot of trial and error to figure out, as it isn't well-documented, and the inconsistency between the custom_data
and customdata
is confusing.
Solution 2:
You can add custom data to hovertemplate as :
hovertemplate = 'Price: $%{customdata[0]:.2f}'+'<br>Week: %{customdata[1]} '
+ '<br>Change: %{customdata[2]}'
where customdata
can either be your group_dfff
or even some other totally different data frame from which you want to fetch data for your hover info.
Here is the link to the documentation on plotly.
Solution 3:
I've actually had the similar problem, and trust me it took me 2 and a half hour to figure out. Let's understand with an example.
fig = make_subplots(rows=1,cols=2,subplot_titles=('First plot','Second plot'),
specs=[[{'type': 'scene'}, {'type': 'scene'}]])
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=[0,1,2,3],y=[0,1,2,3],z=[0,1,2,3]), row=1,col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=[0,1,2,3],y=[0,1,2,3], z=[0,1,2,3]), row=1,col=2)
fig.update_layout(title='Add Custom Data')
This will create simple two scatter3d plots, where hoverdata is x,y and z axis. Now you want to add the data m=[9,8,7,6,5]
to first plot. you can parse m
in text
argument and add hovertemplate
as well.
text=[9,8,7,6], hovertemplate='<br>x:%{x}<br>y:%{y}<br>z:%{z}<br>m:%{text}'), row=1,col=1)
This should work just fine. But now we want to add one more list say n=[5,6,7,8]
to the first plot (or any). We will use customdata
argument this time.
hovertemplate='<br>x:%{x}<br>y:%{y}<br>z:%{z}<br>m:%{text}<br>n:%{customdata}'), row=1,col=1)
Now what if we want to add our 3rd list of custom data. Here comes the tricky part. You cannot parse the list of two lists in the custom data, and then call customdata[0]
and customdata[1]
, it's not that simple. our 3rd list is k=[2,4,6,8]
We need customdata=[[[5],[2]],[[6],[4]],[[7],[6]],[[8],[8]]]
like this and it should work fine. Basically we need to give plotly a single list (or array) where in each element it's the list of all points you want to show.
hovertemplate='<br>x:%{x}<br>y:%{y}<br>z:%{z}<br>m:%{text}<br>n:%{customdata[0]}<br>k:%{customdata[1]}'), row=1,col=1)
We almost done, but there is one thing left. It's lots of work to manually create list like we given in customdata, therefore we'll automate it using powerful library import numpy as np
n = [5,6,7,8]
k = [2,4,6,8]
nk = np.empty(shape=(4,2,1), dtype='object')
nk[:,0] = np.array(n).reshape(-1,1)nk[:,1] = np.array(k).reshape(-1,1)
hovertemplate='<br>x:%{x}<br>y:%{y}<br>z:%{z}<br>m:%{text}<br>n:%{customdata[0]}<br>k:%{customdata[1]}'), row=1,col=1)
You can parse df['Column name']
in place of np.array(n)
if you want to add data directly from dataframe.
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