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Python Pass Pointer To Delphi Function

I have dll, that builded in Delphi, and I try to call function from it. Declaration of function looks like this: function GetUid(UID:Pointer):Integer; stdcall; This is equivalent

Solution 1:

Python is a high level language. You do not typically import a DLL from a C or Pascal native library and invoke it and pass variables from Python into a C or Pascal function taking a void * type raw pointer and then manipulate raw memory this way.

In short if you knew what you were doing you would know better than to try to do what you're doing here.

Let's suppose that your implementation is like this:

function GetUid(UID:Pointer):Integer; stdcall;
  P2 := UID;
  P2^ := 0;

Then, what you would want to do is pass in an address to a 32 bit integer. Of course my example above is absurd, because what would have made sense above is to just declare the parameter as an "int *pointer" (in C terms) rather than as a "void *pointer".

Whatever it is you're doing, the next thing that will likely happen is that you will corrupt your python interpreter's heap, and cause lots of fun crashes and errors.

A far more sensible approach is to read the Python documentation on writing C extensions that can manipulate native Python types (PyObject), and doing the same thing but in pascal, if you like.

p4d appears to be a workable way of writing extension DLLs in delphi:

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