Gv.polygons Dataerror When Using Osgb Projection
I have 2 shapefiles for the UK: In [3]: # SHAPEFILE 1: ...: # WESTMINISTER PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCY UK SHAPEFILE ...: shapefile1 = '../Westminster_Parliamentary_Constitu
Solution 1:
My issue turned out to be caused by my reprojection step from OSGB to WGS 84.
In [16]: lad19.crs
Out[16]: {'init': 'epsg:27700'}
While the result of the following command would suggest that the reprojection step worked
In [17]: lad19.crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
...: lad19.crs
Out[17]: {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
if you look at the geometry attribute you can see that it is still made up of eastings and northings and not longitudes and latitudes as you would expect after reprojecting:
In [8]: lad19["geometry"].head()
0 POLYGON ((448986.025536729.674, 453194.60053...
1 POLYGON ((451752.698520561.900, 452424.39952...
2 POLYGON ((451965.636521061.756, 454348.40052...
3 POLYGON ((451965.636521061.756, 451752.69852...
4 POLYGON ((419709.299515678.298, 419162.99851...
Name: geometry, dtype: geometry
The solution was to instead reproject from the original to the desired projection using this method, with the key part being to include inplace=True
In [11]: lad19.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'},inplace=True)
...: lad19.crs
Out[11]: {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
The eastings and northings contained in the geometry
column have now been converted to longitudes and latitudes
In [12]: lad19["geometry"].head()
0 POLYGON ((-1.2409854.72318, -1.1761554.69768...
1 POLYGON ((-1.2008854.57763, -1.1905554.57496...
2 POLYGON ((-1.1975054.58210, -1.1601754.60449...
3 POLYGON ((-1.1975054.58210, -1.2008854.57763...
4 POLYGON ((-1.6969254.53600, -1.7052654.54916...
Name: geometry, dtype: geometry
and now gv.Polygons can use this shapefile to successfully produce a choropleth map:
In [13]: gv.Polygons(lad19, vdims='lad19nm',
...: ).opts(tools=['hover','tap'],
...: width=450, height=600
...: )
Out[13]: :Polygons [Longitude,Latitude] (lad19nm)
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