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Heatmap On Folium With Pandas

I have following syntax which does not deliver what I am trying to do: df_bedarf = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/xxxxxx/Desktop/xxxxx/xxxxxx.csv', sep = ';') df_bedarf.head() df_locations

Solution 1:

The easiest way to change the color for each marker is to use the bin classification function on a numeric column and set the desired color name for that numeric value. If you want to increase the number of colors, increase the bins and labels.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import io

data = '''
Suburb Sort t/a Latitude Longitude
0 Wien CC 2272 48.201900 16.370000
1 Graz LD 426 47.079675 15.420325
2 Feldbach LD 248 46.952187 15.888309
3 Zerlach RE 2041 46.944865 15.650902
4 Gnas SM 1488 46.874198 15.826138

df_locations = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), delim_whitespace=True)
colors = pd.cut(df_locations['t/a'], bins=4, labels=['hotpink', 'tomato', 'red', 'crimson'])
colors = colors.to_list()


    Suburb  Sort    t/a     Latitude    Longitude   marker_color
0   Wien    CC  227248.20190016.370000   crimson
1   Graz    LD  42647.07967515.420325   hotpink
2   Feldbach    LD  24846.95218715.888309   hotpink
3   Zerlach     RE  204146.94486515.650902   crimson
4   Gnas    SM  148846.87419815.826138   red

map_points = folium.Map(location = [47.57087, 13.43828], zoom_start = 7)

for idx, row in df_locations.iterrows():
        location = [row['Latitude'], row['Longitude']],
        popup=row["Suburb"] + ": " + row["Sort"],
        radius = 10000,
        # blur = 10000,
        # min_opacity=0.3,# max_zoom=1,

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