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How To Get Original String Data Back From Tfrecorddata

I followed Tensorflow guide to save my string data using: def _create_string_feature(values): return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[values.encode('utf-8

Solution 1:

This will convert a BytesList or bytes_list string object to a string:


Or, in the case one is extracting the string from a TFRecord Example object:


From what I can see, bytes_list returns a BytesList object, from which we can read the value field. This will return a RepeatedScalarContainer, which operates like a simple list object. In fact, if you wrap it with the list() operation it will convert it to a list. However, instead we can just access it as if it were a list and use [0] to get the zeroth item. The returned item is a bytes array, which can be converted to a standard str object with the decode() method.

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