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Interpolate Between Elements In An Array Of Floats

I'm getting a list of 5 floats which I would like to use as values to send pwm to an LED. I want to ramp smoothly in a variable amount of milliseconds between the elements in the a

Solution 1:

do you think about something like that?

import time
l = [1.222, 3.111, 0.456, 9.222, 22.333]

    #here should be the led- codeprint value

defcalc_ramp(given_list, interval_count):
    new_list = []
    len_list = len(given_list)
    for i inrange(len_list):
        first = given_list[i]
        second = given_list[(i+1) % len_list]
        delta = (second - first) / interval_count
        for j inrange(interval_count):
            new_list.append(first + j * delta)
    return new_list

    endless = count == 0
    count = abs(count)

    while endless or count!=0:
        for i inrange(len(ramp_list)):
            #time.sleep(1)ifnot endless:
            count -= 1print'##############',count

endless_play_led(calc_ramp(l, 3),2)
endless_play_led(calc_ramp(l, 3),-2)
endless_play_led(calc_ramp(l, 3),0)

Solution 2:

another version, similar to the version of dsgdfg (based on his/her idea), but without timing lag:

import time
list_of_ramp = [1.222, 3.111, 0.456, 9.222, 22.333]

    s = ''for i inrange(int(value*4)):
        s += '*'print s, value

definterpol(first, second, fract):
    return first + (second - first)*fract

deffind_borders(list_of_values, total_time, time_per_step):
    len_list = len(list_of_values)
    total_steps = total_time // time_per_step
    fract = (total_time - total_steps * time_per_step) / float(time_per_step)
    index1 = int(total_steps % len_list)
    return [list_of_values[index1], list_of_values[(index1 + 1) % len_list], fract]

defstart_program(list_of_values, time_per_step, relax_time):
    total_start = time.time()
        last_time = time.time()
        while time.time() - last_time < relax_time:
        x = find_borders(list_of_values,time.time(),time_per_step)


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