More Efficient Method Of Dealing With Large Numbers In Python?
I have a question in Python which I have created an answer for it, but I am trying to achieve better efficiency for the answer. I cant use functions, recursions, only basic stuff..
Solution 1:
well, you can have more efficient way of summing the 12 sequential numbers. you can keep track of 12 sequential numbers, pop/subtract the oldest(leftmost) one from the subset's sum, push/add the newest(rightmost) one.
also, sum(iterable)
is a built-in function.
my new code with only basic list
and for-loop
x = 5 ** 36
num_list = [int(i) for i instr(x)]
sumOfBig = last_sum = sum(num_list[:12])
maximal_index = 0for i, n inenumerate(num_list[12:]):
last_sum = last_sum + n - num_list[i]
if last_sum > sumOfBig:
maximal_index = i+1
sumOfBig = last_sum
print num_list[maximal_index:maximal_index+12] #[8, 3, 6, 6, 8, 5, 1, 8, 0, 6, 6, 4]
Solution 2:
x = 5**36
str_x = [int(i) for i instr(x)]
curBestIndex = 0
curBestSum = sum(str_x[:12])
curSum = curBestSum
for i inrange(len(str_x) - 11):
delta = str_x[i + 11] - str_x[i]
curSum += delta
if curSum > curBestSum:
curBestSum = curSum
curBestIndex = i
big = str(x)[curBestIndex : curBestIndex + 12]
Solution 3:
Here's a method that helps factor out all the occurrences of 11/12, etc.
x = 5 ** 36
sequence = []
d = []
for i instr(x):
iflen(d) > MAX_LENGTH:
ifsum(d) >= sum(sequence):
sequence = list(d)
print sequence, sum(sequence)
[8, 3, 6, 6, 8, 5, 1, 8, 0, 6, 6, 4] 61
In accordance with the Zen of Python, "Readability Counts", and I think that single line actions presented here are much more straightforward than slicing operations, especially when considering off-by-one mistakes that come from multiple instances of hardcoding the sequence length.
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