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Haystack With Whoosh- Search Results Not Redirecting

I successfully installed whoosh and made it work with Haystack. Things are working fine but I'm facing one problem which is; after searching for a keyword and it print out the resu

Solution 1:

In get_absolute_url your URL is called findme and you're giving it five parameters. In your URL configuration, the URL is there but:

  • it is not called findme (i.e., you need to have name="findme"), and
  • it also does not contain any parameters.

For example, the following URL has both a name and a named parameter (see documentation on URLs for more information):

(r'^articles/(?P<year>\d{4})/$', 'news.views.year_archive', name="news_year_archive"),

You need to create a similar URL with the parameters main_view, side_view, address, city and state so Django can properly reverse the URL and provide an absolute URL for the model.

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