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How Can I Tell If H2o Is Running With Gpus?

I've installed H2O on a Ubuntu 16.04 with CUDA 8.0 and so I believe H2O should be able to find my GPUs. However, when I start up my h2o.init() in Pyth

Solution 1:

You will need the GPU-enabled version of H2O, available on the H2O download page. It is not clear from your question if you are using regular H2O or GPU-enabled H2O, however if you are using GPU-enabled H2O and have the proper dependencies, it should see your GPUs. The current dependency list is:

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • CUDA 8.0
  • cuDNN 5.1

I have opened a JIRA ticket to add some metadata in the h2o.init() printout so that you'll see information about your GPUs there (in a future release).

Solution 2:

From a terminal window, run the nvidia-smi tool. Look at the utilization. If it's 0%, you're not using the GPUs.

In the example below, you can see Volatile GPU Utilization is 0%, so the GPUs are not being used.

$ nvidia-smi
Tue May 3013:50:112017+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| NVIDIA-SMI 370.28                 Driver Version: 370.28||-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC || Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. ||===============================+======================+======================||0  GeForce GTX 1080    Off  |0000:02:00.0     Off |                  N/A ||27%30C    P8    10W /180W |1MiB /8113MiB |0%Default|+-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+|1  GeForce GTX 1080    Off  |0000:03:00.0On|                  N/A ||27%31C    P8     9W /180W |38MiB /8112MiB |0%Default|+-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------++-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Processes:                                                       GPU Memory ||  GPU       PID  Type  Process name                               Usage      ||=============================================================================||11599    G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                              36MiB |+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

I use the following handy little script to monitor GPU utilization for myself.

$ cat bin/gputop#!/bin/bash

watch -d -n 0.5 nvidia-smi

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