How Do I Look Up The Value Of A Multi-level Pointer Inside A Process In Python?
Solution 1:
I'm answering my own question to document a way of doing this in Python 3.
First you need some way to look up the pid of the process we are working on.
I used the module psutil to do this, but there are other ways to do it too.
import psutil
pid = Nonefor proc in psutil.process_iter():
if ( == process_name):
pid =
except (PermissionError, psutil.AccessDenied):
passreturn pid
Now we have the pid of the process we want to work on. We'll use that later to get the handle of the process we want to work on.
Now I said it's a multi-level pointer. How that works is that we have an initial address. and a list of offsets. We first of all look up the value of our initial address. We then apply the first offset to that value to get the next address. We look up the value of that address, apply the next offset to that value and get the next address to look up. This can keep going depending on the size of your list of offsets, but say that last look up was the last one and that gives us our final address. When we get the value of that we get the actual value that we are after.
To do this programmatically, we need the pid(For example 4045), the address(For example 0x0163B4D8), the list of offsets(For example [0x37C, 0x3C]) and the size of data(For example an unsigned int is 4 bytes, so that's the size of our data).
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import *
PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = 0x1F0FFFdefread_process_memory(pid, address, offsets, size_of_data):
# Open the process and get the handle.
process_handle = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, pid)
size_of_data = 4# Size of your data
data = ""
read_buff = create_string_buffer(size_of_data)
count = c_ulong(0)
current_address = address
offsets.append(None) # We want a final loop where we actually get the data out, this lets us do that in one go.for offset in offsets:
ifnot windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(process_handle, current_address, cast(read_buff, LPVOID), size_of_data, byref(count)):
return -1# Error, so we're quitting.else:
val = read_buff.value
result = int.from_bytes(val, byteorder='little')
# Here that None comes into play.if(offset != None):
current_address = result+offset
return result
That's the basic concept, and of course the code could be improved.
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