Unsupported Operand Type(s) For -: 'datetime.time' And 'datetime.time'
Ca Tên NVNL Check in Check out Thời gian làm việc trong ca Hỗ trợ ăn trưa 0 Ca Sáng Ngô Hải Anh 08:15:00 12:13:00 NaN NaN 1 Ca Ch
Solution 1:
I think here is possible convert values to timedeltas by to_timedelta
, but first cast to string
data['Thời gian làm việc']= (pd.to_timedelta(data['Check out'].astype(str)) -
pd.to_timedelta(data['Check in'].astype(str)))
Or to datetimes
by to_datetime
data['Thời gian làm việc']= (pd.to_datetime(data['Check out'].astype(str)) -
pd.to_datetime(data['Check in'].astype(str)))
Solution 2:
I'd suggest you take a step back and think about your data model. A time
is not a point in time, quoting from Python's documentation:
A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular day
.. so substracting times doesn't make a lot of sense. Say I check in at 9pm and check out two days later at 8pm. What would you expect "8pm minus 9pm" to represent?
Your check in / check out columns would probably be better modeled as datetime
which do represent points in time. Subtracting datetimes does work, and it has an actual meaning: the time which separates the two points in time.
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