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Showing posts from July, 2024

Moving To Next Page For Scraping Using Beautifulsoup

I am unable to automate the following code to go to the next page and scrape data from … Read more Moving To Next Page For Scraping Using Beautifulsoup

Joining Pandas Dataframes On Column Name Matches Row Value (with Same Index)

I have data that looks like this: ID Col1 Col2 2018-06-01 'A' 1… Read more Joining Pandas Dataframes On Column Name Matches Row Value (with Same Index)

Why Does Asyncio Subprocess Behave Differently With Created Event Loop Unless You Set_event_loop?

I have this simple async code that spawns sleep 3 and then waits for it to complete: from asyncio i… Read more Why Does Asyncio Subprocess Behave Differently With Created Event Loop Unless You Set_event_loop?

How To Get Conda And Virtualenv To Work On Mac Os Catalina?

I previously had Conda running smoothly on Mojave, but I've found that the upgrade to Catalina … Read more How To Get Conda And Virtualenv To Work On Mac Os Catalina?

Propagate System Call Interruptions In Threads

I'm running two python threads (import threading). Both of them are blocked on a open() call; i… Read more Propagate System Call Interruptions In Threads

Haystack With Whoosh- Search Results Not Redirecting

I successfully installed whoosh and made it work with Haystack. Things are working fine but I'm… Read more Haystack With Whoosh- Search Results Not Redirecting

How Do I Select A Window From A Numpy Array With Periodic Boundary Conditions?

Suppose I make a 2d array like this: >>> A=np.arange(16).reshape((4,4)) >>> A arr… Read more How Do I Select A Window From A Numpy Array With Periodic Boundary Conditions?

Dictionary Structure (dict -> Dict) With A List In It Comparison

Have this dict -> dict -> list structure Want to compare 2 structures of this kind. one = {&#… Read more Dictionary Structure (dict -> Dict) With A List In It Comparison

Python Closure + Oop

I'm trying to do something a bit strange (at least to me) with python closure. Say I have 2 cla… Read more Python Closure + Oop

Pycuda, Issues Sending Multiple Single Variable Arguments

I have a pycuda program here that reads in an image from the command line and saves a version back … Read more Pycuda, Issues Sending Multiple Single Variable Arguments

Error: Could Not Create '/library/python/2.7/site-packages/xlrd': Permission Denied

I'm trying to install xlrd on mac 10.8.4 to be able to read excel files through python. I have … Read more Error: Could Not Create '/library/python/2.7/site-packages/xlrd': Permission Denied

Django Model Field With Secondary Field

I am trying to create a user sign up form in Django that allows for a primary field with an associa… Read more Django Model Field With Secondary Field

Scikit-learn - Multinomial Logistic Regression With Probabilities As A Target Variable

I'm implementing a multinomial logistic regression model in Python using scikit-learn. The thin… Read more Scikit-learn - Multinomial Logistic Regression With Probabilities As A Target Variable

Monte Carlo Simulations In Python Using Quasi Random Standard Normal Numbers Using Sobol Sequences Gives Erroneous Values

I'm trying to perform Monte Carlo Simulations using quasi-random standard normal numbers. I und… Read more Monte Carlo Simulations In Python Using Quasi Random Standard Normal Numbers Using Sobol Sequences Gives Erroneous Values

Is There Any Way To Use Variables In Multiline String In Python?

So I have this as part of a mail sending script: try: content = ('''From: Fromname … Read more Is There Any Way To Use Variables In Multiline String In Python?

Converting A R Listvector To A Python List With Rpy2

I have a function that takes the items in a Python list, puts them through a function in R, and out… Read more Converting A R Listvector To A Python List With Rpy2

Upgrade To Numpy 1.8.0 On Ubuntu 12.04

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 which comes by default with NumPy 1.6.0 (I have, actually had, Python … Read more Upgrade To Numpy 1.8.0 On Ubuntu 12.04

How To Convert An Integer Number To Words In Python?

Write a function that takes an integer as input argument and returns the integer using words. Fo… Read more How To Convert An Integer Number To Words In Python?

Mocking An Api Call Within A Function Based On Inputs

Say one has a function that, among other tasks, makes a few api calls. Is there a way, when testing… Read more Mocking An Api Call Within A Function Based On Inputs

Variable Usage In Python Class Declaration

Here is a code snippet from Zed Shaw's 'Learn Python the Hard Way' tutorial 40: class S… Read more Variable Usage In Python Class Declaration

Pyqtgraph Limit Zoom To Upper/lower Bound Of Axes

so Pyqtgraph automatically computes the axis and rescales upon zooming, and this is fine. However I… Read more Pyqtgraph Limit Zoom To Upper/lower Bound Of Axes

How To Know Which Resource Is Being Used When Using Simpy's Anyof Method?

In my program, agents need to use some specific resources. I want to call all of the resources that… Read more How To Know Which Resource Is Being Used When Using Simpy's Anyof Method?

Python Reading Whitespace-separated File Lines As Separate Lines

This is on Windows Server 2008 R2. I have a file of inputs, one input per line. Some of the inputs … Read more Python Reading Whitespace-separated File Lines As Separate Lines

Attributeerror: 'dataframe' Object Has No Attribute 'path'

I'm trying incrementally to build a financial statement database. The first steps center around… Read more Attributeerror: 'dataframe' Object Has No Attribute 'path'

Matching Patterns In Python

I have an XML file which contains the following strings: abcdef pqrst this Solution 1: You could… Read more Matching Patterns In Python

Tensorflow: How To Log Gpu Memory (vram) Utilization?

TensorFlow always (pre-)allocates all free memory (VRAM) on my graphics card, which is ok since I w… Read more Tensorflow: How To Log Gpu Memory (vram) Utilization?

Can I Show The Different Methods Of Death Penalties As Well As Predict Future Years

I would like to be able to predict the rise/fall in death penalties for this dataset below This is … Read more Can I Show The Different Methods Of Death Penalties As Well As Predict Future Years

Python Equivalent To Vb "with" Block

VB (and C99 and C#, actually) have a way to set multiple attributes on one object with a contracted… Read more Python Equivalent To Vb "with" Block

How To Create Video Thumbnails With Python And Gstreamer

I'd like to create thumbnails for MPEG-4 AVC videos using Gstreamer and Python. Essentially: O… Read more How To Create Video Thumbnails With Python And Gstreamer

Movetargetoutofboundsexception Problem With Chromedriver Version >74

I don't know why ActionChains move_to_element() is not working with chromedriver >74. (But i… Read more Movetargetoutofboundsexception Problem With Chromedriver Version >74

How To Import And Export Firefox Profile For Selenium Webdriver In Python

How can I import and export a webdriver FireFox profile? What I wold like to do is something like: … Read more How To Import And Export Firefox Profile For Selenium Webdriver In Python

Command Not Works In Subprocess Or Os.popen But Works In Terminal

I've tried lots of methods to run my shell script but none of these works from python3 script. … Read more Command Not Works In Subprocess Or Os.popen But Works In Terminal

Selecting Data From A Treeview

I use a ttk.TreeView as a multicolumn ListBox which effectively displays the sql data I send to it … Read more Selecting Data From A Treeview

How To Slice A Row With Duplicate Column Names And Stack That Rows In Order

I have a dataframe as shown in the image and I want to convert it into multiple rows without changi… Read more How To Slice A Row With Duplicate Column Names And Stack That Rows In Order

Python Multiprocessing: Attributeerror: 'test' Object Has No Attribute 'get_type'

short short version: I am having trouble parallelizing code which uses instance methods. Longer ve… Read more Python Multiprocessing: Attributeerror: 'test' Object Has No Attribute 'get_type'

Align Data In One Column With Another Row, Based On The Last Time Some Condition Was True

I’m trying to parse millions of lines of log files that suffer from an unfortunate deficiency. Data… Read more Align Data In One Column With Another Row, Based On The Last Time Some Condition Was True

Decimal Alignment Formatting In Python

This should be easy. Here's my array (rather, a method of generating representative test arrays… Read more Decimal Alignment Formatting In Python

Assignment To Containers In Pandas

I want to replace None entries in a specific column in Pandas with an empty list. Note that some e… Read more Assignment To Containers In Pandas

Issue In Domain Verification On Google Cloud Platform

need help on issue with domain verification on Google cloud platform. I am trying to verify my apps… Read more Issue In Domain Verification On Google Cloud Platform

Psycopg2: Can't Adapt Type 'uuid'?

I am using psycopg2 to try to insert an entry into a table where the type of the data is the Postgr… Read more Psycopg2: Can't Adapt Type 'uuid'?

Urllib Exception Http.client.badstatusline

I can't for the life of me figure out why I can't catch this exception. Looking here at th… Read more Urllib Exception Http.client.badstatusline

Get Mouse Press Event From Any Widget

I have a QMainWindow application that has multiple widgets (buttons, labels, etc.) inside it. How c… Read more Get Mouse Press Event From Any Widget

Tutorialspoint - Flask – Sqlalchemy Not Working

I did all that was stated on tutorial point (just copied and pasted), but when I tried to add a stu… Read more Tutorialspoint - Flask – Sqlalchemy Not Working

Python Convert Tuple To Array

How can I convert at 3-Dimensinal tuple into an array a = [] a.append((1,2,4)) a.append((2,3,4)) i… Read more Python Convert Tuple To Array

Print A Sublist That Contains All Strings In Another List, Without Necessarily Being A Direct Match

search_terms = ['word','cow','horse'] library = [['desk','chai… Read more Print A Sublist That Contains All Strings In Another List, Without Necessarily Being A Direct Match

Remove $ From A Column Of Salaries Python 3

I am trying to print the min and max from a list of salaries that I am reading from a csv file, but… Read more Remove $ From A Column Of Salaries Python 3

How To Replace Column Values With Dictionary Keys In Pandas

I hava a df, A B one six two seven three level five one and a dictioinary my_dict={… Read more How To Replace Column Values With Dictionary Keys In Pandas

Why Does Scipy.optimize.minimize (default) Report Success Without Moving With Skyfield?

scipy.optimize.minimize using default method is returning the initial value as the result, without … Read more Why Does Scipy.optimize.minimize (default) Report Success Without Moving With Skyfield?

Python Searching For String And Printing The File It Is In

I am working on a small program for work, and I have looked everywhere for help on this! What I'… Read more Python Searching For String And Printing The File It Is In